Still amazing

Sometimes I think that I have completely and comfortably settled into life here. Sure, there are sometimes communication issues,  people asking me where I’m from, and systems that I don’t quite understand. These things I have come to take in stride as just part of my life these days. I even find them to be familiar rhythms.


But then again, I realize that I still have plenty of moments where I am taken by surprise, even if it is just little things. Consider these anecdotes:

Cheese has been totally reinvented in Taiwan. Many of these incarnations are sweet desserts. Still, this cheese-flavored popsicle caught me by surprise so I had to try it. It did, in fact, taste like Taiwanese cheese. I'll be honest and say that I thought it was fairly gross.
Cheese has been totally reinvented in Taiwan. Many of these incarnations are sweet desserts. Still, this cheese-flavored popsicle caught me by surprise so I had to try it. It did, in fact, taste like Taiwanese cheese. I’ll be honest and say that I thought it was fairly gross.
Just when I thought I knew everything that 7-11 is capable of here, I stumble into new uses.
Just when I thought I knew everything that 7-11 is capable of here, I stumble into new uses.

In other news, the weather is cranking up the heat and humidity and I may be shifting to a diet primarily composed of homemade salads and shave ice. I’ll try to be better about posting again. I have stories to tell and reflections to share.

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